
Monday, February 27, 2012

Just shy of 16 months

Apologies for the quality, but you gotta move quick with this little one! She is just getting such a personality lately, and I have a feeling she may have some of her mother's qualities that maybe aren't the most endearing...

  • She isn't the happiest person when she wakes up. Until Molly came around, you pretty much shouldn't talk to me the first 20 minutes or so after waking.
  • The girl likes her food. If I could post a picture of me circa 1984ish you would completely understand. She doesn't have quite as much on me in the weight department, but she would eat all the time if we let her. Lately, she will just walk in the kitchen and say "more".
  • Talk about mood swings. Although this, I think, can be said for any woman really.
  • If she doesn't get what she wants, you better watch out. I like to think I have grown from this, except my husband, dad and brother may have a different point of view.
Ofcourse, this is all said jokingly because she is absolutely perfect and I tell her that everyday :) Let's just hope her father's patient, even tempered and charming personality balances her out...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Five Faves Friday

Been a bit MIA, but I'm back with some friday faves! Molly edition...Molly's favorites and things that I can't live without!

1. The Fresh Beat Band: For those of you who aren't aware of what this is, consider yourself very lucky. This is a no fail method to calm Molly no matter what is causing her breakdown.

2. The Park: This is a favorite for both of us, because she loves running around, she gets fresh air, and it wears her out. Her biggest thing is the tunnel.
3. Books: She LOVES books, but won't let you read them to her. By this I mean she gets so excited and is so into them but she won't let you get through a book. We read stories before bedtime and we look through a page or two of each book and then she throws it on the floor and grabs another one. Short attention span I guess.

4. Peek-a-boo: I am working on posting the video, but she goes nuts playing peek-a-boo. Her laugh is so infectious and we have decided it's probably the greatest sound in the world.

5. Wine: This ofcourse is  Mommy's tip and favorite thing for Moms of toddlers or any child for that matter. A nice glass of red wine is a great way to relax and end the long day. Highly recommend trying it.