I know I say it all the time, but I can't get over how fast Molly is growing! This weekend two of my cousins left for college and I found myself a wee bit jealous of that time in my life. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade what I have for a second, but do you ever find yourself reminiscent of times past? I also thought to myself, I've done the big things...graduated college, got married, had a baby...what's left?? Not a positive thought, but if we are being honest here. Then I caught myself and remembered life isn't about those big things, it's about the little things. Like my little peanut having her first tooth coming through (pictures to come..if she will let me take one!) and this picture of her standing up. The other amazing thing about having a child is you get to experience all those things again in a different way. Just to name a few I am especially looking forward to.
*her first day of kindergarten (I absolutely cannot wait to shop for school supplies)
*teaching her how to use makeup. I was very eager for this when I was little
*driving a car. Get off the road if she is anything like her mother
*Moving her into college...how weird is it that I look forward to that? I don't really have a reason why, just that I remember how exciting a time it was for me and I want her to have that feeling. So I guess that is a reason.
*sharing her first glass of wine. B bought me a bottle of wine that was made the year Molly was born for Molly and I to share when she turns 21. Isn't that a neat idea? And of course that will be her first alcoholic drink EVER...right?
*Helping her plan her dream wedding
This list is awfully lengthy so I will stop there and leave you with this...
Photo: happythings.tumblr.com via Pinterest
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