As of yesterday, B and I have been together for 12 years. Talk about a long time! I am not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but it doesn't seem like it has been 12 years since we first started our relationship. I started to scan a picture from Homecoming circa 1999, but I decided I really didn't want any picture circa 1999 of me on the web. Bangs, unruly curly hair and braces oh my.
So instead I wanted to post a 12 year later picture, you know what we've become, which is parents to a daughter who I hope does not inherit my unruly hair and need for a lot of dental work. Actually, maybe she should inherit some of that..I didn't turn out so bad and what's that saying.."what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?".
Although, as I type this I realize I just did what I always feared, which was to define us as parents. I remember when I was pregnant with Molly one of my big fears was that B and I would lose "us" and become Mom and Dad. Once Molly was here it was really hard for me to adjust to it not being just us since it had been for 11 years. I loved my little girl with all my heart, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to share the other love of my life. Nights when she would actually sleep and I should have been sleeping I felt like I didn't want to sleep because I so desperately wanted to have dinner and watch tv with my husband. I look back and realize it was actually a small fear, and a large amount of hormones. Change isn't always a good thing and is sometime hard to adjust to, but this was definitely an amazing change in our life and one I am so thankful for because I think it has made our relationship tronger. So, since I strayed a lot from my original are we now happy as ever :)
Also, a happy birthday to my now Florida girl! Her and her husband just moved to Florida for his work, he's the weather man..pretty cool huh?
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