
Monday, September 5, 2011

Long Weekend Update

Happy Labor Day everyone! It's a rainy day here, so no pool for these folks. Our long weekend was definitely filled up.
Friday night Brandon and I took Molly to eat at the Homeplace, a family style restaurant that we thought would be easy enough to take Molly to since they bring the food almost immediately. Not so much. We had been seated for a mere 5 minutes before she yanked the paper place mat and almost sent a plate flying acrosst the room (Thank goodness Mom's pretty quick here). The days of lingering over our peach cobbler and decaf coffee are O-V-E-R. It was somebody's bedtime.

This night also spawned a funny story:
Before dinner I was kind of in a grumpy mood and B said "You know my mom used to have this magnet I hated that said "When mom ain't happy aint' nobody happy" and damned if it ain't true." This made me laugh and my mood changed. Then later that night walking into the restaurant he asked if I stepped on his golf club in the backseat and I told him I didn't even see it. To that he says (partly to Molly) "Well if something happened to it, Dad would not be happy. And you know what they say "If dad aint' happy, nobody gives a sh*t." Which sadly, I am sure more dads would agree is true. Poor dads, they do so much and get little credit sometimes.
Speaking of Dad's doing so much, I got to take a little trip to see my newest "niece" (by niece I mean one of my best friends babies) and  got to see two of my other best friends as well.
Little Bit was here with her Dad and he finally realized what I have been telling him for awhile now..He is easy and I am pretty certain Molly will end up really disliking me one day. I am also pretty certain that one day I will NOT be saying "Wait until your father comes home" because he is already showing signs on being putty in her hands.

 Baby Helen..tiniest and sweetest thing ever.

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