1. The fact that my sweet little girl will be a year old in 36 days. Sometimes I still look at her and wonder to myself "where the heck did you come from?".
2. We are 1 day shy of October. Where did the summer go??
3. Hokie football. I haven't been to a game in so long and I am kinda itching to go to one and tailegate like a college student with no responsibility.
4. Speaking of college students with no responsibility, remember when people used to say things like "College is the best time" and "You can't get that time back". When you are in college you think those old people saying things like that are just annoying and weird. Now I am that old person and i think things like that ALL THE TIME.
5. As I am writing this that sweet little girl who I mentioned in number 1 is trying to climb out of her crib instead of napping. By the way, I don't think the crib goes any lower than the notch it is set up on now.
6. Not much else because now I have to go get said sweet little girl before she throws herself over the crib.
It's almost the weekend..Happy thursday!
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