Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
5 Faves

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Crazy Stupid Love

Image: photographer Pablo Frisk
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Smiles all around
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Five Faves

This is kind of two faves in one. One is the website Pinterest, which I am pretty sure I am coming to the party a bit late on this one. It's this amazing site to catalog all the things you love, genius idea. Second is this super baby friendly outfit for fall above from net-a-porter, which I pinned on pinterest. It is so casual, but so stylish. A good statement piece of jewelry and a great handbag can make any outfit look put together.

Hydrangeas!!! My lovely mother-in-law planted these for me because I have been dying for one. Note: She has an amazing green thumb, which I do not, and did the landscaping for the whole front yard. I will have to do before and afters one day, it's unbelievable.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Kitchen Clean Out Part 2 and Movie Night
Last night one of my best friends who happens to be my cousin, came over for dinner and a movie. I followed my own advice by inviting friends over to help eat, but I didn't want her to have to suffer so I had already gone to the grocery store. Plus, I was out of wine..definite need to break the kitchen clean out plan. K and I have a terrible record with movies lately so I am going to save some of you and go through the last couple...
1. Eat Pray Love- Ok I know some of you are probably screaming now because the book was amazing and no I did not read the book. We went to see this in the theatre when I was pregnant, very pregnant if I remember correctly. I wasn't into the book, just not my kind of reading, so I went into the movie with an open mind. Still really disliked it, I am trying not to use the word hate for molly's sake, but it was definitely bordering on that. I distinctly remember Julia Roberts being in the first country and realizing we had 2 more to go. After the movie we decided we wished we had left after the first country.
2. Blue Valentine- I love love love Ryan Gosling. How can you not after seeing The Notebook?
Both Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams were nominated for awards for their roles in this movie and I can see why, but it wasn't for me. Again, K and I both just kept watching, hoping for the best. It was a bit of a downer, and I felt bad for the little girl in the movie. However, I did find a song I love in it, it's by Penny and the Quarters called You and Me. Reminds me of old Motown songs and I do love how its used in the movie
3. The Kids are Alright- This was last night's movie and it wasn't terrible, but it was different. I liked the idea of it and how everyone has different lives and in the end everyone is just trying to get by (if you rent this and actually make it to the end Julianne Moore has a good little speech regarding this). It just seemed a little slow and boring for me. I had rented another move, All Good Things (another Ryan Gosling), which is a true story about a missing person and I am not sure which would be better. We will see because I am going to get B to watch the other one with me tonight!
So, that's a pretty long post, but it may be the last one for the weekend..happy weekend!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday Funny
Note: I do realize I just broke my cardinal rule of talking about my child's bathroom business like anyone cares. It won't happen again, I promise...maybe.
So now you get two funnies in one Friday. This is from my favorite Mom blog and all of their posts are awesome and you can really relate. As I read this I find myself thinking of an episode of Sex and the City where Charlotte and Trey are talking about having children after being with little hellians. "Besides...our children will be different" I am aware that my little girl will probably not be any differen than number 3, but a girl can dream right?
Rants from Mommyland
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Can't Wait

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Book Club
- The Sookie Stackhouse novels, if you have been reading you know I am obsessed with True Blood. My dad gave me these books 2 Christmas' ago and I have never read them! I just started the first one this week and the show so far has stayed pretty true to the book. It's also really interesting to go back and be remind of how things went down in the beginning. Im loving it, plus reading the storyline of Bill and Sookie is reminiscent of the Edward and Bella relationship, but I must say sooo much better :)
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery I picked this one up at Too Many Books the other day because the owner suggested it. It was on the New York Times Bestseller List for over a year so I am assuming it's a good read. However, I am not always in line with the New Yotk Times Bestseller List.
- Milk Glass Moon by Adriana Trigiani I also picked this one up at Too Many Books and I am excited to start it. Several of my girlfriends have read Sarah's Key and loved it. I read one of her other books and wasn't crazy about it, but I thought I would give this one a shot.
- You will also notice my latest InStyle Magazine and Parents magazine. I am a magazine fanatic. At one point I think I had over 5 that I subscribed to, now we are down to 2 :( I am looking to change that soon.
- I also just have to say that while I am writing this I saw a preview for The Help the movie and I cannot wait!! I loved loved loved the book, a definite must read!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Office Space

I have loved this idea from Real Simple since the issue came out last year. I have debated on doing it at my house a couple times and now that Molly has taken over I am seriously considering it again. This space looks so cheery and is such an easy solution to a lack of space. That wallpaper is adorable!

From one of my favorite blogs, Deliciously Organized, this space has got it going on. Talk about organization! I have a back shelf in my office and I will definitely be utilizing the height of the space, and clearing the clutter by adding bins and boxes to create a MUCH cleaner and uniform work space.
Hopefully, I will be showing you my re-decorated office on a budget here soon.
Kitchen Clean Out
Last night wasn't too much of a challenge because we are still getting by with some of last week's groceries. Anothe reason why I am on grocery strike, I felt like I was there everyday!
On the menu:
Veggie burgers with mozzarella, basil and ketchup, potato chips and steamed carrots.
The steamed carrots were in place of the macaroni and cheese I was going to make, but I thought I should save that up. I think this will be a good cooking experiment because I probably never would have made the carrots if not for the lack of other options. We will see how the rest of this little test goes. B is going out of town for a golf trip Wednesday night so I may be eating out!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Aren't you supposed to be asleep?
Naps have become a bit of a battle for us lately. Although I am not sure who I am kidding with the use of the word lately, naps have always been a battle for us. I have (at least I feel like it) done everything I am "supposed" to do to make a good napper. Every 2-3 hrs (M usually makes it about 2 and 1/2), same routine (everytime!), and last, the saddest, let her cry. Which is probably a whole other post, but in short we did it and I don't regret it for a minute. If you try this, I recommend a video monitor and a husband who will let you go get as far aways to another room as possible so you don't have to hear your little babe cry.
Success at the time for me to get ready to get to my other job where I require a shower. Have a good monday!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Weekly Faves

- Loving the black wedges above from, only problem they are 4 in heels. Would make me a little too much taller than B.
- Mod about you from OPI nail polish. I had an amazing pedicure at Pure Spa last weekend and chose this delightful summery color. Makes my feet look super tan :)
- "I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends...than occupy the most splendid post." This was from the new Cottage Style, I always say I would rather have a small warm house than a large house with lots of rooms to clean!
- The Talk is my latest guilty pleasure. It is similar to The View, but I am not a fan of The View. All of the women are hilarous and they talk about real things. Every episode I laugh hysterically or know excatly what they are talking about. One of the latest subjects was about people being topless at the beach, a do or don't? Funniest conversation on the show yet.
- I found this blueberry tart recipe in Real Simple and have been making it for 2 years now. With fresh summer blueberries it is one of the easiest and most delicious summer treats.
- This adorable charm necklace from is on my must have list. It would make a plain white Tee and jeans look put together and stylish.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
"Maybe everyday is Saturday morning..."
Here is what Saturday morning looks like now...
- Molly is up at 7:15 so, I am up at 7:15. Feed and entertain her until B gets up.
- Then it's time for that French Toast I told you guys I was going to try. Usually Brandon is the french toast maker, but this time I gave it a try. I found a baked french toast recipe on and I must say it turned out pretty tasty.
- Molly goes down for her nap about 9:15 so I attempt to catch up on my magazines. Attempt failed, because by the time I clean up breakfast and lay back down in bed someone is awake again.
- Breakfast for the little one, she ate real bits of peaches today! It's so funny to see her eating food with no teeth.
- Then we head outside for a little swim in the pool.
Did I mention all of this was done before 11:00 AM? Eight months ago you would be hard pressed to find me functioning before 11:00 AM. Oh, how times have changed an amazingly good way though :)
Black and White

Friday, July 8, 2011

1. No one bothers to tell you that after that beautiful baby is here all that thick, soft hair you had FALLS OUT! It was so bad that one day when my husband was at work he called to tell me he felt something on his back and realized it was my hair! Maybe TMI for you folks, but it was that bad.
2. My hair was ALWAYS in a ponytail. I dreaded turning into the new mom who never does anything with herself, has on sweats, no makeup, and a ponytail everyday when my sweet husband comes home from work.
Unfortunately, like I suspected, I am and always will be a long hair girl (i.e. I do not have Jennifer Aniston's hair). In the grand scheme, it's just hair and it will grow right? At least that's what I tell I pull it into a ponytail.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Who doesn't love bread?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
My 9 o'clock

I would love to buy this little number from Mustard Pie for Molly, but unfortunately her little thighs are too chunky for elastic legs!

We're growing up
- Started babbling, A LOT. We are pretty sure she is saying Mama, however I am also pretty sure she does not know what she is saying. Although I wish she did :)
- Attempted to pull up in her crib during naptime by using her bumper (Ah I know, I know!Nothing in the crib, but without it she bangs her head into the rails) and failed by face planting into the rails. This usually prolongs the actual nap about 15 mins.
- Barely moved while on her hands and knees. We are defintely on the verge of movement here people, which means the babyproofing we have been putting off must commence soon.
- finally smiled, like really smiled for a photo. I am almost certain this is the first full on smiling photo of Little miss and I love it. My mother in law sent it to me while she was at the beach with them (I stayed home to work and clean our house, which was turned back upside down about an hr after Molly's return) and it is now my phone picture. It makes my heart sing everytime I turn on my phone.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
What Im loving for the home...

Flea Market style is a magazine I buy for decorating ideas at the shop. This picture is on their blog header now and I love the GROCERIES sign. I would love to have one to put above my kitchen cabinets. Especially since we are going to try and re-do the cabinets soon!
8 months and the 4th of July

Swimming, lots of swimming. Molly (and as you can tell from the picture, Cameron) love the pool. I am so happy she will be a water baby!
Eating. B made delicious salmon burgers Sunday night on our new charcoal grill and we sat out on our deck to enjoy them. Yesterday during Molly' s nap I made the Tri-Bean salad above. So simple and easy to add whatever ingredients you love to change it up. Wrapped the day up with a good old fashion Popsicle, you know the one with the ice cream in the chocolate cone and the nuts on top. Reminds me of the middle school snack bar, Amazing.
A little walk before it got to hot for Molly, Cameron and me. In the midst of the walk a little dog got loose and came over to meet us, Cameron was not pleased with this. This was our second encounter with a loose dog on one of our walks. Molly seems to be unfazed by this, Cameron is definitely fazed.
Hope everyone else had a happy long weekend!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
So it begins...
Her first bikini from grandma janet
2. Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella Salad: This is made so much better by the fresh basil growing on our deck (again courtesy of grandma janet). Just add a little light evoo and salt and pepper. Easiest and most delicious thing ever.
3. True Blood is backkkkk!!! So Brandon and I started this a while ago after one of my favorite employees ( miss you adrienne!) kept suggesting it to me. It is a little bit on the racy side, OK it's a lot racy, but it's so addictive. And the other thing I love about true blood, it's on HBO which means no commercials, because I don't know about you but I will wait 30 minutes before starting a show just so I don't have to watch commercials.