
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kitchen Clean Out Part 2 and Movie Night

The Kitchen Clean Out wasn't timed well on my part. Unfortunately I was the one who suffered from the no grocery store plan. B left Wednesday afternoon for a golf trip through tonight. So let's see...I had mac and cheese, leftover pasta, and then I went to the grocery store. Remember how I said I can't eat pasta without bread...torture. Also I consisted on goldfish and tortilla chips during the day. The thing is..we had food! I just didn't feel the need to cook for myself and didn't really have the time during the day with a little one. My advice for your next kitchen clean out..plan it when you aren't alone or invite friends over to help eat:)

Last night one of my best friends who happens to be my cousin, came over for dinner and a movie. I followed my own advice by inviting friends over to help eat, but I didn't want her to have to suffer so I had already gone to the grocery store. Plus, I was out of wine..definite need to break the kitchen clean out plan. K and I have a terrible record with movies lately so I am going to save some of you and go through the last couple...

1. Eat Pray Love- Ok I know some of you are probably screaming now because the book was amazing and no I did not read the book. We went to see this in the theatre when I was pregnant, very pregnant if I remember correctly. I wasn't into the book, just not my kind of reading, so I went into the movie with an open mind. Still really disliked it, I am trying not to use the word hate for molly's sake, but it was definitely bordering on that. I distinctly remember Julia Roberts being in the first country and realizing we had 2 more to go. After the movie we decided we wished we had left after the first country.

2. Blue Valentine- I love love love Ryan Gosling. How can you not after seeing The Notebook?
Both Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams were nominated for awards for their roles in this movie and I can see why, but it wasn't for me. Again, K and I both just kept watching, hoping for the best. It was a bit of a downer, and I felt bad for the little girl in the movie. However, I did find a song I love in it, it's by Penny and the Quarters called You and Me. Reminds me of old Motown songs and I do love how its used in the movie

3. The Kids are Alright- This was last night's movie and it wasn't terrible, but it was different. I liked the idea of it and how everyone has different lives and in the end everyone is just trying to get by (if you rent this and actually make it to the end Julianne Moore has a good little speech regarding this). It just seemed a little slow and boring for me. I had rented another move, All Good Things (another Ryan Gosling), which is a true story about a missing person and I am not sure which would be better. We will see because I am going to get B to watch the other one with me tonight!

So, that's a pretty long post, but it may be the last one for the weekend..happy weekend!

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