Before I was pregnant I always told my husband to never let me chop my hair off when I got pregnant. I know many a woman who's hormones got the best of them and ran to get all their hair cut off. I made it safely through the pregnancy without the urge to drastically change my hair, however after Molly came things didn't go so well. I just saw this picture of the ever stylish Jennifer
Aniston, with a very chic haircut. It's almost annoying how amazing she looks ALL the time, but I do love her.
OK, so I know that I don't have the same hair type as her and she has a stylist and blah, blah, blah. However, does no one else remember the early Friends episodes when she had hair like the rest of us????
Anyway, what I am getting at is that I made THE CUT. THE CUT I told myself I would never get. About a month ago I went to my hair dresser and wanted something like the look above for a couple of reasons:
1. No one bothers to tell you that after that beautiful baby is here all that thick, soft hair you had FALLS OUT! It was so bad that one day when my husband was at work he called to tell me he felt something on his back and realized it was my hair! Maybe
TMI for you folks, but it was that bad.
2. My hair was ALWAYS in a ponytail. I dreaded turning into the new mom who never does anything with herself, has on sweats, no makeup, and a ponytail everyday when my sweet husband comes home from work.
Unfortunately, like I suspected, I am and always will be a long hair girl (i.e. I do not have Jennifer
Aniston's hair). In the grand scheme, it's just hair and it will grow right? At least that's what I tell I pull it into a ponytail.
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