
Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Maybe everyday is Saturday morning..."

Saturday mornings used to be about sleeping in, having breakfast and coffee in bed, and catching up on Tivo or my magazines. Another lovely thing that might happen is called a "re-rack", which I got from Julie Bowen on Modern Family. A re-rack is when you get up and do all those things above, and then go back to sleep for a bit, wake up and start the day again. These days a re-rack is rare, however Saturday mornings are still one of my favorite things. The title of this post is from a Drive by Truckers song I love called "Two daughters and a wife". The song is a little sad, but for some reason I really like it.
Here is what Saturday morning looks like now...

  • Molly is up at 7:15 so, I am up at 7:15. Feed and entertain her until B gets up.

  • Then it's time for that French Toast I told you guys I was going to try. Usually Brandon is the french toast maker, but this time I gave it a try. I found a baked french toast recipe on and I must say it turned out pretty tasty.

  • Molly goes down for her nap about 9:15 so I attempt to catch up on my magazines. Attempt failed, because by the time I clean up breakfast and lay back down in bed someone is awake again.

  • Breakfast for the little one, she ate real bits of peaches today! It's so funny to see her eating food with no teeth.

  • Then we head outside for a little swim in the pool.
    Did I mention all of this was done before 11:00 AM? Eight months ago you would be hard pressed to find me functioning before 11:00 AM. Oh, how times have changed an amazingly good way though :)

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