It's 9:00 and one little person is supposed to be napping, however as we speak she is now standing in her crib. Just before that she was waddling around in there. I say waddling because she hasn't really gotten the knack of crawling but she definitely moves...somehow. Each time I think she is safely asleep long enough for me to jump in the shower, she's up.
Naps have become a bit of a battle for us lately. Although I am not sure who I am kidding with the use of the word lately, naps have always been a battle for us. I have (at least I feel like it) done everything I am "supposed" to do to make a good napper. Every 2-3 hrs (M usually makes it about 2 and 1/2), same routine (everytime!), and last, the saddest, let her cry. Which is probably a whole other post, but in short we did it and I don't regret it for a minute. If you try this, I recommend a video monitor and a husband who will let you go get as far aways to another room as possible so you don't have to hear your little babe cry.
Success at the time for me to get ready to get to my other job where I require a shower. Have a good monday!!
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