
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Office Space

With the age of laptops, ipads, and smartphones you may think "who needs an office space?" but, I definitely do. I love the spaces below and heres why...

I have loved this idea from Real Simple since the issue came out last year. I have debated on doing it at my house a couple times and now that Molly has taken over I am seriously considering it again. This space looks so cheery and is such an easy solution to a lack of space. That wallpaper is adorable!

If you could see my at work office compared to the below pictures you would laugh. I always put off re-decorating my office at work because I feel I should put the time and money into more important things (ahem, marketing, inventory, get the picture). I have come to the conclusion though this is why I re-arrange it AT LEAST once a month. When I was there more it was probably twice a month. So along with my living room, I am going to start gradually updating my office. Here are two spaces that are really inspiring me to get a move on.

This one from House Beautiful anyone would be proud to show off to clients or anyone, really.

From one of my favorite blogs, Deliciously Organized, this space has got it going on. Talk about organization! I have a back shelf in my office and I will definitely be utilizing the height of the space, and clearing the clutter by adding bins and boxes to create a MUCH cleaner and uniform work space.

Hopefully, I will be showing you my re-decorated office on a budget here soon.

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